Wednesday, August 18, 2010

a kiss from my reality!!

A knock on my door "Let me in" you asked me

I ignore your request for I am a bird..flying through the clouds..spreading my wings and exploring the world..

A scratch on my door "Let me in" you plead

I ignore your craving for I am the rainbow..coloring the sky..kissing the world...making love to the wind..

A slight whisper through the door "Let me in" you growl

I ignore your anger for I am a fish..diving through the turquoise sea..dancing with the through the sea

A touch on the doorknob and I shiver .."Let me in" you cry through the door

I cant ..i whisper back..for I am the rain..touching the ground...caressing the wind

And there you were..ignoring excuses..flashing into my world...forcing me down from the sky..cutting my wings..taking away my colors...draggin me out of the water..

"Open your eyes" scream.."for I am your reality..I am your world..I am your destiny..hold my hand..lets go home"

And as i slowly wake up..there you reality..looking into me..taking me away from illusion ..walking towards my world of happiness, a world away from the fantasy..and guess aint that bad!!!!


Mulsifid said...

glad it turned out to be good! i did keep my fingers crossed for you... but its hard being a fish isn't it?

dreamer said...

yeahh!! its hard being a fish...