Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Little You, Little Me, Little Boxes of Mine

This time life came to me as a breathe of air that consumed my world and lifted me to the sky only to find that I was this close to drown in the clouds. So as fast as it lifted me, I am very much trying to come down and wrap myself with the same sense of familiarity that comforted me. And in my short journey to the sky, I have met so many personalities that kind of transformed me for a while. But, I am what I am..by end of the day I always become what I am.

And as bad as it would sound I do put every person I meet in different boxes called “leagues”. There are people who are in the same box as I am and some of them so far away that I would not want to cross that path ever again. I feel comfortable with those, now who would not close themselves with one thought, and make you feel that yes things in this life does make sense. Paths you take are not as tangled as it seems. Its just a matter of looking at it from a different perspective. Your mind is as open as the world and yes sometimes its ok to live in an illusion as long as you don’t let it take over you.

I have met so many of those whose life is wrapped in their own belief that they go blind to whatever the world is about. But then again, the worst of them are when they believe in something but feel something else. If your belief is that strong why would you feel anything else apart from what your mind is designed to ..well..believe. These people also tell you something else although they act in such a different way that you cannot figure them out. Do they live in a lie created by themselves or do they create a wall around them that has written either deception or confusion around it. And by doing this, they don’t only neglect what life is about but also hurt so many people around them. Whats the use of a belief if you cant properly follow it. In a world that is so open and free, and is all about appreciating the beauty around you aren’t you “supposed” to live it and let live. Sometimes, I do get fascinated by this “league” of people and for a while I tried to fit myself in this box only to find myself more confused and longing to a bit of fresh air. The confusion in their eyes, the misery of them being stuck in a world that they perhaps thought they believe in and a belief that to some extend doesn’t make sense made me feel trapped. There are too many supposed to be, have to do and cannot do in their world. No, I could never be in that league although it fascinates me to what extend they can actually hold on to a lie they have created by themselves. I am so out of that league and yet again back in my own league of box and ready to move on..it took me a while but I am glad to be back!

And then there are those, who feels that the world revolves around them. I looked at them from a distance and felt their pain. They strive to fit in but disapprove of every thing that happens around them. If you do choose to live in a society you got to respect what the society is about. You cannot split the world to good and evil. There is no evil or good..there is the way of how you look at them. You cannot judge anyone unless you have lived their life. What makes a person is not only the family they are born to but also the pain they have suffered, the happiness they have consumed, the love that had fulfilled them or the injustice that had broken them. The lifestyle doesn’t choose you ..You choose them based on what your life has given you. And who has the right to tell you if you are on the right path or not, if you didn’t hold their hands and walked every single step with them. Living in a closed world of your own is the worst. No, you don’t need to live others lifestyle you just need to respect it!

The worst of all are the ones that looks down on every person around you, divides them into colors, countries, societies and still live among them. I have no words for these ones as I don’t think they deserve to be among such beautiful souls and should be locked in a place with their own “league”. Their mockery towards people just because they don’t share the same culture disgusts me.

And here I am, today wrapping all these up..and ready to make a move. It was indeed an adventure but as Alice In wonderland felt the need to leave the fantasy world and face reality, I feel the need to go back to where I will find my comfort. Don’t get me wrong..the fantasy world I lived in fascinated me and made me a better person. I could now see the world better. I am out of the glamour world I was once trapped in and ready to settle down. I am not on the move but yet I feel that there is a whole world, opening its arm to me and waiting for me. So adios lovely people..let me just live a little while in your world and I hope I had touched your hearts the way you all had touched mine.

It doesn’t matter any more to me what road I take..I am just ready for the thrill of what surprises I will meet on my way

Alice came to a fork in the road. "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland