Sunday, November 9, 2008

Save em from the dark!!!

Heal the world.. There was a time when everyone chanted this song..some of my friends actually was seen crying when they saw the song for the first time..and we all agreed to Michael Jackson when he sang "heal the world ..make it a better place" but the song was long forgotten... and today there are people who just want to fill it with pain..

This blog is at the moment inspired by Maldives: The Land of Gangbang written by Mr. Karma ..about the guys who raped a kid! I mean how low can the society bow to that you let these child molesters go free ..even though you have all the proof you need. What abt the girl? Do we ignore her we treat her like the song that was long forgotten..? I feel like I am living under a society that makes humor out of a poor girls life..a child's cry for help..a family's pride? Maldivians are known to be peace loving people..Comeon, that is what we sell to the outside world!! Thats what I am proud about when I talk about Maldives to all my agents..but can i honestly say the same thing and walk with my head high now? I feel saddened by what kind of creatures some of us has turned into ...!!! And we just let these creaturs crawl into the society again and molest our children.

Whenever we talk about these issues ppl start blaming the system! They start pointing fingers at eachother and there have been several times when i thought "no matter how much the system does, these pathetic psychos will exist within us" Where there is good, there is also evil..but then again, do I blame those who point fingers at the system? When I hear that ppl who have commited murders or molested small kids are freely walking and breathing like us, among us..I question myself!

There was once this news that really caught my eyes about ths popular singer "gary glitter" who was caught in Vietnam for child pornography. After he was released after serving 3 years or sth in the Vietnam jail he was banned from entering into 19 countries - to name a few France, Thailand, Spain and now Uk had banned him from leaving the country...This is how these creatures needs to be treated..they shouldnt be allowed to live a normal life..they shouldnt live among us...Never!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

May the change save us all - quoted by the ignorant goose-

I must admit the ignorant goose is a little overwhelmed by Obama winning the presidency. Me who had not voted neither campaigned, who had shut her door whenever there s loud campaigning going along near our place. Well, i could defend myself and say I am an ignorant peace loving person :) ..I did at some point support Ibra but then he didnt really market himself did he? He didnt really made an effort like "successor" or the "defeated" did he? He just stood there and asked everyone to vote for him..he grew lazy in the end..,maybe more confident..i dont know! But his marketing sucks!! If I had to vote (if someone pulled a gun at me and asked me to put someone's name as a president) i would still vote for Ibra cos he looks genuinely concerned abt the country. But then, who am I to talk abt the country! I am the ignorant goose and proud of it... :)

And now everyone is raving abt changes! And I wonder.. 2008 have definitely been a year of the Maldives and to the world! But would it come as a good change? Changes come in too many forms..some of them leave us disappointed, some of them makes our world a better palce and some of them shatters our world into neon pieces that couldnt be brought together! Change...a tricky business! A risk at all costs...!! And then again, life wouldnt be any exciting if there wasnt a bit of spices in it , if we ate garudhiya and baiy every day..right? So are you ready to leave garudiya and baiy and try out the fish and chips? hehe ..(yeah i am in a cheeky mood today:))

I was reading this interesting article abt Mayan civilisation and I came across something called "cusp of great cycle" which means that we are living today in the cusp of the Mayan end times, the end of a galactic day or time period spanning thousands of years. The Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on December 12,2012. So has the Mayans already disovered the day the world will end!

The Mayans also say that by 2012

we will have gone beyond technology as we know it -we already did i guess! We just need to create flying cars or swimming cars
we will have gone beyond time and money - arent we losing money wth the economic recession? hmmm
we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension
Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe - this has actually been scientifically proved that the sun will align wth the planets
Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) from the centre of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku) - upgraded haha! So are we going to get those super hero powers. I would like healing powers please!!!
Everybody on this planet is mutating. Some are more conscious of it than others. But everyone is doing it - this goes to those Darwin fans!So are we all going to evolve to something strange or perhaps have wings..are we going to be like erm mutants? God help us!!

As Mayans says This new era will be very positive. "Let all beings rise. Let not one or two stay behind I do wonder if the change that we smell now is going to be the beginning of this new postive era. Or is it going to be the end times for the human race, perhaps another lifetime - human race to go back to cave age, technology over coming us, sea level rise that would destruct many islands...isnt that mysterious that all these changes including the economic recession is hitting us one by one in a very fast pace. So do I pack my bags and wait for the change either to save me or destroy me!!!

To conclude my very loong and differnt article let me say "I love Barack Obama" hehe :)