Wednesday, August 18, 2010

a kiss from my reality!!

A knock on my door "Let me in" you asked me

I ignore your request for I am a bird..flying through the clouds..spreading my wings and exploring the world..

A scratch on my door "Let me in" you plead

I ignore your craving for I am the rainbow..coloring the sky..kissing the world...making love to the wind..

A slight whisper through the door "Let me in" you growl

I ignore your anger for I am a fish..diving through the turquoise sea..dancing with the through the sea

A touch on the doorknob and I shiver .."Let me in" you cry through the door

I cant ..i whisper back..for I am the rain..touching the ground...caressing the wind

And there you were..ignoring excuses..flashing into my world...forcing me down from the sky..cutting my wings..taking away my colors...draggin me out of the water..

"Open your eyes" scream.."for I am your reality..I am your world..I am your destiny..hold my hand..lets go home"

And as i slowly wake up..there you reality..looking into me..taking me away from illusion ..walking towards my world of happiness, a world away from the fantasy..and guess aint that bad!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

To the top and back again...

Snakes and ladders ..isnt that life is all about? Climbing up the stairs and be gobbled by the snakes. At so many points in our lives we wonder if it was the snake that swallowed you or was it the ladder you climbed? And then you wonder again...if you are stuck in the middle of the ladder and just stayed there for a while.

Dont you think we have been misguided to either be a winner or a loser? Cant we just stop grading ourselves for a minute? The snakes, the ladders, the trophies, the thumbs up..arent these all a mere obstacle in the way of your happiness. As a child we have been graded at different levels..Levels? Another title to strive for...? This is not me, trying to win a treaty for human rights..This is me, trying to make sense of my mere feeling of stopping to split my life in different dimension of success. Trying to grab that one moment of content I am feeling

And as I denied to climb the ladder I felt content. Maybe I am in the middle of being gobbled by the snake..or finding my way down to where I started. Does my life have to be numbered in different levels..Do i need to climb to 100 to find bliss. Maybe I am happy at number 51..Maybe i am in the world of streams running down the mountains, daffodils and butterflies..for I am content where ever I am.

I see the ladder and a slight voice asking me to find the so called 'success'. Sometimes in life success is finding your own destiny. Finding a place away from chaos. Finding yourself! And as I stop grading my self and running the race of ladders and snakes..i feel content. Happiness is still a long way to go but atleast in this world of hopes, dreams and despair I have found content.

You know there is always something you need to know..what if I crossed the road, what if I played hard to get, what if I reached the end of the road, what if I moved on...but end of a long day when you retire to your bed. You ask yourself what if i just stopped and breathed. I am not moving on, I know! I am not even justifying why I denied the fact to move on or why I am disappointing everyone by not taking the leap..Sometimes you got to think beyond that..beyond the disappointments you create, beyond the success and failure..cos all you got end of the day is YOU. And all that should matter is after you have given all that you have got to others, you got to pick up every bit of those pieces left of you and build that place of content for yourself. And today as opportunity knocked on my door I picked up whatever was left of me and decided to flee from the world of ladders..the world of success..the world of titles. Today I am me...content..

There is a looong road ahead and Im deciding to stay!!