Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In a wide open space, I am standing..

Can you change the world?? Well, do you have what it takes to change the world..I guess we all come to this world with a piece of destiny in our hands and its up to us on how we want to use it. I have always been inspired by those who had gone against all odds to change what the world think of them or rather what the world think of itself. People like Coco Chanel and Nelson Mandela had been perfect examples of those who had written their own destiny..brought a revolution that changed the world. Sure, there is a script written for you somewhere up there but the mystery of it is what makes your life exciting and that’s what makes you the ‘boss’…You don’t take a train because you are meant to, you take the train because you want to.. & that’s the difference between those who want to change their life and those who think of changing their life. End of the day it all comes to a point where you ask yourself …’Are you passionate enough to do what you are doing? Or as Black Eyed Peas would put it ‘where is the LOVE?’’
Sometimes I do come to certain phases of life when I feel that I don’t have a choice but be stuck in the long train. But that doesn’t keep me from trying to get out of it or trying to sing along my way to make the journey pleasant. And most of the time I have done what I wanted rather that what I am meant to be. Some people call me a stupid risk taker... Am I stupid? Maybe..but I am also someone who seeks passion. Once the passion dies, you life becomes a meaningless routine tasks. I am sure the decisions I have made would not make sense to anyone who calculated it as a weather forecast..for sure, they would see it as heavy showers..or if I had done a SWOT analysis before I made these choices the Weakness and Threats would outlive the Strengths and Opportunities. Sometimes I have decided things for all wrong reasons such as to run away from something that depressed me. I mean look at me right now, no job, no money..and I have been through this road several times which is why I can say that what the weather forecast predicts is the heavy shower for the next few days and what it doesn’t tell you is the sunshine that follows…I am not hoping to win a lottery .. I am only trying to seek passion.
Sometimes things doesn’t work out the way you want or what you want to do is not what you are meant to do..Think about it, if you have a life of 70 years out of which you are able to live only 40 years the way you want to would you spend it on the routine tasks or seeking what you are passionate about. All those people who had made a difference in this world have gone through hell to reach their dreams. It’s not an easy thing to go against all the odds, rebel against those who give you perfect advice that is practical and take a leap when people call you stupid. And just say, half of the time it works and half of the time you are in the pit. And those who thinks I am stupid I would say ‘my friends, my life doesn’t limit itself to forecasts and opportunities or to the book of life is about living, happiness and knowing that I have a choice..I can choose my destiny and my passion.’
I cannot compare myself to those who had changed the world.. I can get inspired by them…and they had succeeded when all the odds were against them..and who knows? Maybe one day I can win that date with destiny!!
Coco Chanel once said “How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.”

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